Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Athletics Award Ceremony PHOTOS NEEDED ASAP!!!!!


Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30pm
Bailey MS Gym, reception to follow


Please forward your current still shot photos of your athlete in their Bailey sport uniforms to compare to their baby photo for all 8th graders only.

Please email these current still shots and baby photos to lowens0728@gmail.com

You may also copy me at mistyforst@gmail.com

If you can not email or text them to us, please leave in the front office of Bailey MS (to be put in the Athletics Booster Club in-box).  Be sure to add your athlete's full name, what sport they played, and their grade this year.

Please contact Misty Forst with any questions.

Monday, April 15, 2013

T-shirt SALE


Athletic Sports and Spirit T-Shirts

Last chance to purchase a Bailey MS T-shirt

May 1st, 2nd, 3rd
during all lunch periods outside cafeteria

send exact change with your child or come visit our table

Spirit T-Shirts  $7 - choose from royal blue or black.    View T-shirt

Spirit Hoodies  $17 - choose from royal blue or black. (very few sizes remain)

All of the Sport T-Shirts  $7

Football short sleeve (grey)

Soccer short sleeve (black) 2 different designs

Basketball (blue or grey) 

Bumper Stickers  $2 - Blue paw

Join Athletics Boost Club for this school year. It's not too late.  Any donation accepted to offset Awards Ceremony expenses.

looking for parent volunteers to help sell on May 1-3 during lunch
please call Misty Forst 512-423-6123

April 18th - Athletics Booster Club Meeting

Bailey Athletics Booster Club - General Meeting

Spread the Word...

A general Athletics Booster Club Meeting will take place this Thursday, April 18th, 2013 from 6 - 7pm in the Bailey Cafeteria.

Members and non-Members are invited to join us.

We'll discuss the Athletics Award Ceremony (coordinate volunteers), board nominations/volunteers for 2013/2014, membership, one last t-shirt fundraiser, expenses, volunteer opportunities, and much more.

Please ask other athletics parents, your friends, and all 6th grade parents with kids that want to play sports next year to attend this meeting.

Click on the following link to complete the Nominations / Volunteer Form.
2013/2014 Nomination / Volunteer Form

Thank you for your time and attention.

Go Bears,

Misty Forst
President, Bailey Athletics Booster Club
(512) 423-6123

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Athletics Award Ceremony PHOTOS NEEDED ASAP


Tuesday, May 21st at 6:30pm
Bailey MS Gym, reception to follow


Please forward your current still shot photos of your athlete in their Bailey sport uniforms to compare to their baby photo for all 8th graders only.

Please email these current still shots and baby photos to lowens0728@gmail.com

You may also copy me at mistyforst@gmail.com

If you can not email or text them to us, please leave in the front office of Bailey MS (to be put in the Athletics Booster Club in-box).  Be sure to add your athlete's full name, what sport they played, and their grade this year.

Please contact Misty Forst with any questions.